Carnhope Irrigation District No. 7


Contact Information

4613 E. 3rd Avenue
Spokane, WA 99212
509-536-9180 Office
509-818-7042 Emergency

Mailing address
PO Box 13028
Spokane, WA 99213-3028

Board of Directors Meeting
1st Tuesday of the month
7:00 pm at the District Office

Carnhope Irrigation District #7 is a small municipal water district serving potable water in the Spokane Valley since 1921. The District was originally formed to serve water to farmland and homes within the district boundaries. Over time the farmland has been replaced by homes and businesses but the irrigation district name still remains. The District currently has 537 service connection serving approximately 1750 people. The District has a Board of Directors consisting of 5 people that own property in the District. The Board meeting is the first Tuesday of the month at 7:00 p.m. in the District office located at 4613 E. Third Ave.