
H2O Breakfast 9/18/15

The H2O Breakfast September 18, 2015, 7:30 – 10:00 a.m. is a networking and Q&A opportunity for elected officials, opinion leaders, agencies, conservation groups, businesses, and others dedicated to sustaining a healthy Spokane River while meeting the needs of a growing population.

Going with the flow

COEUR d’ALENE ­ Regional hydrologists are close to understanding how pumping ground water from the aquifer affects the flow of the Spokane River. Hydrologists Ralston, Porcello and Johnson presented some of their most recent findings and tools they have developed to measure those impacts Wednesday afternoon at the Spokane River Forum.

LLSWD Assumes Lead Agency – Lakemore

The initial lead agency concluded that the Lakemore proposal was not likely to have significant adverse effect on the environment if mitigated according to its Mitigated Determination of Nonsignificance dated August 28, 2014. The new lead agency, LLSWD, has reviewed the environmental checklist, the Mitigated Determination of Nonsignificance, together with all of the comments and materials submitted to the initial lead agency on the Proposal. The new lead agency has determined that an environmental impact statement (EIS) is required for this Proposal.

Lakemore – Ground Source Heat Pump Boring

Liberty Lake Sewer and Water District has prepared a document addressing 38 questions and concerns for the Lakemore- Gound Source  Proposal to drill 700 Heat Pump Borings.  Spokane Aquifer Joint Board President, Ty Wick, is requesting that the City of Liberty Lake require an Environmental Impact Study for proper consideration of all environmental impacts to the…

DRAFT Instream Flow

Please send comments regarding the proposed Spokane River Instream Flow rule to: Department of Ecology, Bellingham Field Office, Attn: Ann Wessel, 1440 10th Street, Suite 102, Bellingham, WA 98225-7028