KSPS Character Day at Riverfront Mall 7/9/16
KSPS Public Television sponsors Character Day, July 9, 2016, at Riverfront Mall. Aqua Duck greets everyone.
KSPS Public Television sponsors Character Day, July 9, 2016, at Riverfront Mall. Aqua Duck greets everyone.
The City of Coeur d’Alene Welcomes Aqua Duck at the 4th of July Parade
Explore links to a wide range of information about our changing climate and efforts to mitigate issues.
View climate change presentations from the Spokane River Forum Conference, Our Gem Symposium, GSI Water Solutions funded by SAJB as well as nationally recognized speakers.
Read climate articles from the Spokesman Review, Coeur d’Alene Press, the Inlander as well as state and national publications like Associated Press, Nation/World and more.
Everyone is welcome at the Spokane County Water Resource Center Open House.
The Drought Impact Reporter is an interactive web-based mapping tool designed to compile and display impact information across the United States.
Fire District 9 holds it’s annual Fire Demo and Wellness Day. Community wellness resources are available.
Spokane River Instream Flow Rule Latest News
Congratulations to Ms. McAuley’s 6th grade class who created the winning video for the “2016 Got Waste? Put it in the right place!” contest. They also took personal actions to clean up litter at their school and in their community! Thank you!
KSPS public television and SAJB co-sponsored the 2016 “Got Waste? Put it in the Right Place!” Contest. Here are some of the winning entries and artists.
The Jr. Lilac Parade is a treasured tradition in Spokane. 2016 was the 65th annual event sponsored by Spokane Rotaract.
Jim Ekins, Area Water Educator, UI Extension Northern District shared draft designs of seven water stewardship signs (2 x 3 feet) that will be installed along the Centennial Trail and other locations
The Family Fun Fair at Silver Lake Mall was filled with lots of great activities, products and information for the whole family.
Chester Elementary students created amazing science fair exhibits.
Arbor Day 2016 was a beautiful day to celebrate trees. Mayor Richard Condon accepts an award for Spokane as “Tree City USA.”
Meeting Agenda, Minutes and Supporting Documents.
Longfellow Elementary inspires students and families with the wonders of science, technology, engineering and math (STEM).
University Elementary Unicorns explore an exciting night of science with robots, microscopes, aquifer, air, animals, storm water and proper waste disposal.
SAJB meeting Agenda, Minutes and Supporting Documents
On March 3rd, 2016, John Porcello and Jake Gorksy of GSI Water Solutions presented a summary of research contracted by the SAJB to evaluate historical and recent changes in the seasonal low flows of the Spokane River,
Science Night Out at Lake Spokane Elementary was a great event for families.
Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) are a toxic manmade chemical found nearly everywhere in the environment. Historically, PCBs were primarily used in coolants and lubricants in electrical equipment, such as transformers and capacitors. In the United States, PCBs were largely sold under the trade name Aroclor. Direct production of PCBs was halted in the US in the…
Hey, Kids Help Aqua Duck show everyone why getting rid of waste the right way is important.
Meeting Agenda, Minutes and Supporting Documents
1521 N. Argonne Rd. Suite C
PMB 250
Spokane Valley, WA 99212