SAJB Meeting 5/22/14
Meeting Agenda, Minutes and Supporting Documents
Meeting Agenda, Minutes and Supporting Documents
Listen to this snappy tune and help us keep the aquifer clean! Another winning student made video.
Aqua Duck attended the Drug Take Back Event sponsored by the Spokane County Sheriff’s Department and held at the Spokane Valley Police Department on Sprague.
Aqua Duck loves Earth Day and all of the groups who come together to celebrate our beautiful planet.
Pasadena Park Irrigation District issued a Boil Water Advisory on March 21, 2014. The advisory was lifted on March 27, 2014. The Spokesman Review published an editorial comment on April 23, 2014. Documents provided.
Meeting Agenda, Minutes and Supporting Documents
The Watershed Integrated System Dynamics Modeling (WISDM) mission is to understand how climate and land use changes have affected water quantity and quality in recent decades, and how will climate variability and change impact water quantity and quality in the next few decades.
Meeting Agenda, Minutes and Supporting Documents
The Spokane Aquifer Joint Board is recognized by the American Water Works Association as the 2014 Exemplary Source Water Protection Award recipient in the ‘Very Large/Mixed System’ category. Awards will be given on June 6, 2014 at the annual Conference in Boston Mass.
Mike Hermanson, Spokane County Water Resource Specialist, presented a summary of the development process and data collected to create, modify and update the Spokane County Water Demand Forecast model.
IWAC Meeting Agenda, Minutes and Supporting Documents
The Service Truck Rodeo brings regional water providers together to learn about the latest technology and showcase their trucks. Events like meter madness, best tasting water and last operator standing are just a few of the activities that made it a fun day for everyone.
Ponderosa Students displayed their science projects. Aqua Duck shared his adventures of protecting the aquifer and students game EnviroStars bracelets to remind them of what they can do to protect our sole source of drinking water!
SAJB Meeting Agenda, Minutes and Supporting Documents
The Spokane Aquifer Joint Board partnered with the West Valley Outdoor Learning Center from 2009 through 2013 to fund aquifer education and awareness for student, teachers and community members.
SAJB contracts with KSPS Public Television for media spots and aquifer education. End of Year Reports, presentations and videos from 2009 through 2013 are available. Thanks KSPS for helping us get the word out on aquifer protection.
Congratulations to Liberty Lake Sewer & Water District for leading the way in phosphorus removal from laundy detergent & dish washing products. Proctor & Gamble plans to eliminate phosphates from laundry detergent globally within the next 24 month.
Avista’s Spokane River licensing and hydro operations presented at IWAC on 2/11/14
Spokane River Instream Flow Rule Development process
Holmes Elementary Science & Technology Night had great activities in every part of the building. So much to learn and do! Thanks for inviting Aqua Duck to participate.
Progress Elementary had a super fun science night. Families talked about how to protect our drinking water. Thanks for inviting Aqua Duck to participate.
Aqua Duck participated with lots of great other science groups at the Longfellow Elementary Science Night.
The 13th Annual Lakes Conference will be held from 9:00 am to 2:00 pm on Saturday, February 8, 2014 at Spokane Community College Student Union Building in the Lair. N. 1810 Greene Street, Spokane, WA 99207.
Sunrise Elementary hosted its annual Science Fair Presenter’s Night. Aqua Duck attended along with many community groups.
Meeting Agenda, Minutes and Supporting Documents
1521 N. Argonne Rd. Suite C
PMB 250
Spokane Valley, WA 99212