Water stakeholders tout collaboration
Coeur d’Alene Press reporter Jeff Selle covers the Bistate collaboration panal discussion at the Spokane River forum on 11/20/14.
Coeur d’Alene Press reporter Jeff Selle covers the Bistate collaboration panal discussion at the Spokane River forum on 11/20/14.
COEUR d’ALENE Regional hydrologists are close to understanding how pumping ground water from the aquifer affects the flow of the Spokane River. Hydrologists Ralston, Porcello and Johnson presented some of their most recent findings and tools they have developed to measure those impacts Wednesday afternoon at the Spokane River Forum.
SAJB Meeting Agenda, Minutes and Supporting Documents
Spokane County Water Reclamation Facility tours were offered by appointment and the Water Resource Center held an Open House. Aquifer, stormwater and proper waste disposal activities were also provided.
700 geothermal wells nixed – Lakemore developer will pursue other options for heating and cooling homes, apartments and commericial buildings.
Wondering how to properly dispose of business or household hazardous waste? Aqua Duck introduces the SpokaneWasteDirectory.org
SAJB meeting Agenda, Minutes and Supporting Documents
WISDM Collaborative Modeling Presentation by Melanie Thornton WSU doctoral student.10/14/14 Idaho Washington Aquifer Collaborative.
Thanks to Johnson Controls, Kris Majors, Master Gardners and all volunteers who participated in the Upriver Scrub and volunteered at Harvard Road. A special thanks to Waste Management for the trash bins.
Thanks to the volunteers from Wallmart who participated in the Upriver Scrub and cleaned up Mirabeau and the Centennial trail.
Thanks to the Upriver Scrub volunteers from Gonzaga, Lands Council, Spokane County Conservation District, SRF, and the NW Whitewater Association who planted trees and cleanup the land and river at State-line.
Thanks to Upriver Scrub volunteers from Nick Hamm’s class at West Valley City School for cleaning up Boulder Beach.
The Spokane Valley Police worked with the Drug Enforcement Agency to safely dispose of unused and unwanted prescription drugs.
HUB Sports Center put on a free event for kid in the community. Aqua Duck, Shock the Fox, Sasquatch and other celebrities joined in the action.
The initial lead agency concluded that the Lakemore proposal was not likely to have significant adverse effect on the environment if mitigated according to its Mitigated Determination of Nonsignificance dated August 28, 2014. The new lead agency, LLSWD, has reviewed the environmental checklist, the Mitigated Determination of Nonsignificance, together with all of the comments and materials submitted to the initial lead agency on the Proposal. The new lead agency has determined that an environmental impact statement (EIS) is required for this Proposal.
Meeting Agenda, Minutes and Supporting documents
Valleyfest at Mirabeau Meadows, Mirabeau Parkway, Spokane Valley, WA is full of fun for kids, information from local agencies, and entertainment.
Valleyfest kicked of the 2014 event with the Hearts of Gold Parade.
Spokane County Interstate Fair September 5-14, 2014 – “There’s No Place Like the Fair” Rodeo, livestock, amusement rides, food, arts and crafts, vendors and the Green Zone.
Millwood DAZE includes a 5K run, a red wagon race, classic cars, performers and lots of community agencies. Proceeds go to Meals on Wheels.
Liberty Lake Sewer and Water District has prepared a document addressing 38 questions and concerns for the Lakemore- Gound Source Proposal to drill 700 Heat Pump Borings. Spokane Aquifer Joint Board President, Ty Wick, is requesting that the City of Liberty Lake require an Environmental Impact Study for proper consideration of all environmental impacts to the…
the 20th Unity in the Community heritage festival was held at Riverfront Park. Dancers, singers, vendors and agencies provided information and fun for everyone.
Meeting Agenda, Minutes and Supporting Documents
Canines vs. Cancer at the Greyhound Race Track in Post Falls Idaho.
KSPS and SAJB invited students K-6 in the KSPS listening area to create a multi-media public service announcement about protecting the aquifer. Winning entries were selected at each grade level with one grand prize winner receiving an ipad mini. KSPS coordinated the judging and selection of winning entries. The grand prize winner is Jordan Neilson of Ponderosa Elementary in Post Falls. View Jorden’s winning video. It’s awesome!
1521 N. Argonne Rd. Suite C
PMB 250
Spokane Valley, WA 99212