EnviroCertified Recognition
Business Owners – Be Recognized for Your Pollution Prevention Efforts!

Become an EnviroCertified Business – EnviroCertified is a voluntary incentive and recognition program offered to local small businesses. The program certifies and provides no-cost advertising to businesses that have pollution prevention and hazardous waste reduction practices in place. It also helps consumers identify environmentally friendly businesses in the community. EnviroCertified is an Inland Northwest Washington program that is sponsored by:
Get a copy of the EnviroCertified Business Services brochure (pdf)
Get a copy of the brochure, “Are You Certified Yet?“
To schedule a visit with a Pollution Prevention Specialist:
Vikki Barthels, SRHD Local Source Control Specialist
509-324-1560 or pollutionprevention@srhd.org
For more information on the program:
Tonilee Hanson, EnviroCertified Program Director
Comments or questions are welcome, click here.