Ammunition |  | Take to Household Hazardous Waste drop site. Call the Recycling Hotline for more information. |
Artist’s paints & mediums |  | Choose water-based paints and mediums. Use supplies without lead , chromium, or cadmium pigments. |
Flea powder |  | Vacuum regularly. Dispose of bags in garbage. Call the Recycling Hotline for an info sheet on this topic. |
Fluorescent light / ballast |  | May contain toxic PCBs, if pre-1970. Take to a Household Hazardous Waste drop site. |
Household & button-cell batteries |  | Use rechargeable batteries. Avoid battery-operated products. Recycle NiCd and button-cell batteries. Call the Recycling Hotline for more details. |
Kerosene / Lamp oil |  | Take to Household Hazardous Waste drop site. |
Lighter Fluid |  | |
Moth balls / moth flakes |  | Thoroughly clean used clothing or furniture before introducing into home. Wash woolens before storing; store in cedar chest or sealed cardboard boxes. Vacuum rugs and behind and under furniture. Shake out woolens periodically. |
Pool / spa chemicals |  | |
Rug cleaner with solvent |  | Use soap based cleaner. |
Smoke detector (ionization type) |  | Contains radioactive materials. Return to manufacturer for disposal. Install nonionizing, photoelectric-type detectors. |
Spot remover with solvent |  | Call the Recycling Hotline for an info sheet on alternatives. |