Water Conservation

noun – to prevent wasteful use of water resources.
verb – to use water efficiently.

  • Leak Detection

    Check for leaks…Sprinkler leaks that is…and these pesky water leaks can be hard to detect and be costly to your wallet and our aquifer too!  Access meter reading and testing resources at outdoorwateringnerds.org.

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  • Repair & Retrofit

    Is your sprinkler system showing its age and need some work? Upgrading and retrofitting  can save you money at the meter, put money back in your wallet and does a boatload of good for our aquifer! Find DIY resources and choose your solution today at outdoorwateringnerds.org.

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  • Saving Water Matters

    Water is one of our most valuable resources… And it’s up to us to save and protect it! Depending on the season, we have more or less water available than other times of the year…and we don’t want to drain the bank!  Be a part of the solution.  Visit outdoorwateringnerds.org.

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  • Outdoor Watering Nerds

    Outdoor Watering Nerds are here to help you with questions about sprinkler systems, leak detection, calculating your water needs, designing landscapes with drought tolerant plants, DIY Videos and so much more.

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  • IWAC Irrigation Efficiency Webinars

    The Idaho Washington Aquifer Collaborative has produced a series of on-demand webinars about landscape and Irrigation design strategies for improving water efficiency and why it is so important for protecting and conserving our sole source aquifer.

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  • Make Your Irrigation System More Efficient

    It’s easy to retrofit older style irrigation spray heads, that use a lot of water, with more efficient spray heads.

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  • IWAC’s Efficient Irrigation and Landscape Design Guidebook

    Water and waste water purveyors from Idaho and Washington have teamed up to develop efficient irrigation and landscape design standards.

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  • Water Use Calculator

    Water conservation is easy and the Water Calculator gets you started right away.

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  • Lawn & Garden – Efficient Water Use

    Water use in Spokane County triples during the summer. We can all do our part to use water wisely.

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  • 100 + Ways to Use Water Wisely

    The Spokane Aquifer Joint Board and Aqua Duck Ask You to Use Water Wisely. Down load 100 plus Ways to Conserve and Use Water Wisely and try a few simple ideas.

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  • The Biggest Water Wasters in Your Home

    A leak the size of a pinhead can waste 360,000 gallons of water a year. That is enough water to fill 20 average sized backyard pools. Use your water meter to check for leaks.

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  • Save Water. Save Money!

    Water conservation saves a lot more than just water! Using less water saves energy, reduces pollution, and saves you money.

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  • An Essential Guide on Home Water Conservation [60+Ways to Save Water at Home]

    Conservation of water:  There are several water conserving methods which can help you to preserve water at any time. This guide on Water Conservation at Home will help you to know more and get better results.

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