H20 Breakfast to Recognize Ty Wick

Ty Wick was recognized at the H2O Breakfast for over 40 years of service providing safe, clean drinking water to our communities, as reported below by the Spokane River Forum on March 6, 2017.
As Ty will be retiring this year, many of his friends and peers wanted to make sure his outstanding service to the community is recognized. Said Rob Lindsay, Spokane County Utilities Waters Program Manager, “Ty’s leadership in the municipal water community has been invaluable. For me and others, he’s been a willing mentor and resource.”
Since 1994, Ty has been the General Manager for Spokane County Water District No. 3. His influence, however, stretches far beyond. Over the years, he’s been the “go-to-guy” who participates in various policy and technical efforts to protect our sole source aquifer, and assure safe delivery of water to our homes and businesses. This includes being President of the Spokane Aquifer Joint Board, founding member of the Idaho Washington Aquifer Collaborative, and member of numerous other regional committees and industry associations.
“There is no matching his institutional knowledge and ability to merge the interests of today’s customer base with the needs of future residents of this region,” noted Guy Gregory, Senior Hydrogeologist and Technical Unit Supervisor for Ecology’s Water Resources Program in Spokane. “He’s laid a foundation upon which a lot of other good work and people will stand.”