Increased Generator Contact Visits 2001-2006


Spokane IGC Business Assistance Project

 In June 2001, the Washington State Department of Ecology (Ecology) entered into an interlocal agreement with the Spokane Aquifer Joint Board (SAJB).  The purpose of the agreement was “to provide technical assistance visits to small businesses that generate hazardous waste.  These visits were designed to provide dangerous waste management and aquifer protection information, as one mode of aquifer and wellhead protection.”  SAJB provided funds for Ecology interns to conduct the IGC progam business visits until July of 2006.

Samples of the 2001-2006 reports are provided below.

IGC Business Visit Talley 2001-2006

IGC Business Visits-Final Report 2001

IGC Business Visit Summary 2003

IGC Business Visits-Totals By Industry 2003

IGC Business Visit List 2004

IGC Business Visit Findings April 2004

IGC Business Visits Final Report 2005

IGC Business Visit Talley 2001-2006

IGC Business Visit Thank You Letter 2005

IGC Business Visits Report Template

IGC Business Visit Ecology – SAJB Protocol