Lakemore – Ground Source Heat Pump Boring
Liberty Lake Sewer and Water District has prepared a document addressing 38 questions and concerns for the Lakemore- Gound Source Proposal to drill 700 Heat Pump Borings. Spokane Aquifer Joint Board President, Ty Wick, is requesting that the City of Liberty Lake require an Environmental Impact Study for proper consideration of all environmental impacts to the region’s drinking water supply. Please submit any comments on Lakemore Closed Loop Ground Source Heat Pump Borings by August 22, 2014, to Amanda Tainio, 22710 E. Country Vista Drive, Liberty Lake, WA. 99019. Email: Fax: (509) 755-6713 For questions please call Amanda Tainio at (509) 755-670
Mike Galante, the Idaho Washington Aquifer Collaborative President, also submitted comments in opostion to endangering our regional drinking water quality with over 700 geothermal wells drilled into our sole source aquifer.