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North County Transfer Station is located in Colbert Washington
All loads must be covered or secured
Protect our environment. Be a Load Warrior
The Solid Waste Advisory Committee (SWAC) toured the Transfer Station
SWAC Members observe the big trucks that transfer solid waste to the Waste to Energy Facility
Self-haulers bring their garbage to the Transfer station
People dump their garbage on the tipping floor
Garbage is moved from the tipping floor into the top of the big trucks
This machine pushes the garbage from the tipping floor into the big trucks
The tamper packs the garbage so more will fit into the big trucks
This pile of garbage will be moved into trucks overnight and the transfer station will be ready for another day
This area can be dangerous.
Recycling is open 7 days a week but HHW is only collected on Saturdays and Sundays
The Recycling area is covered and open year round.
These big bins are labled with the type of materials that can be recycled
Non-ferrous metals, like aluminum, go in one bin
Iron metals go in a separate bin. A magnet will stick to metals that contain iron.
There is a location for old appliances
and refrigerators
When you’re not sure what to do with your waste, visit
Shredded paper is not accepted for recycling.
Only clean & dry cardboard
Vehicle batteries are hazardous
Lights containing mercury are hazardous waste. See lightrecycle
Household Hazardous Wast collection is available on Saturdays and Sundays