Page 14 - Efficient Irrigation and Landscape Design Standards
P. 14

This section includes a range of landscape design criteria an adopting jurisdiction may consider as a way of achieving a goal for landscape design. Examples include lists of approved plant species, spacing, quantity, minimum landscape areas, etc. The adopting jurisdiction may already have adopted landscape design criteria. As a part of adopting water efficient landscape standards, the adopting jurisdiction should review their existing codes to identify where existing provisions can be enhanced by water efficient landscape requirements (such as requiring drought tolerant plants).
A Landscape Design Plan meeting the following requirements must be submitted as part of the Irrigation and Landscape Documentation Package.
1. Planting design must be consistent with all requirements of current landscape codes (existing facilities of pre- existing landscaped areas are not subject to landscape code requirements unless the landscape was installed after the effective date of the (jurisdiction/department) landscape ordinance(s), except in areas where there has been a major renovation or expansion to the landscape areas).
2. Plant Selection - Plants must be selected from the approved Drought Tolerant/Low Water Use Plant list.
3. Plants that are not on the approved Drought Tolerant/ Low Water Use Plant list, or that require spray irrigation cannot be used in street medians or public rights of way.
4. Plants having similar water use must be grouped together in distinct hydrozones. Consideration must also be given to variations in: exposure (e.g. microclimates); slope; and soil infiltration rates when determining hydrozones.
5. Plants must
be selected appropriately based upon their adaptability to the climatic, geologic, and topographical conditions of the site.
6. Landscaping associated with storm drainage facilities shall be integrated into the overall design of the project.
7. For projects located at the interface between urban areas and natural open space (non-irrigated), Drought Tolerant/Low Water Use plants shall be selected that will blend with the native vegetation and are fire resistant
or fire retardant. Plants with low fuel volume or high moisture content shall be emphasized. Plants that tend to accumulate excessive amount of dead wood or debris shall be avoided.
8. A mulch (organic or inorganic) of at least three inches must be applied to all planting areas except turf. Placing non-porous material under the mulch is not allowed.
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