Latest News

  • EnviroStars Certification – Free Business Benefits

    Hear what business owners say about the benefits of EnviroStars Certification.

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  • County Water Demand Forecast Model Update

    The updated Spokane County Water Demand Forecast Model presented by Mike Hermanson at the October 8, 2013 IWAC meeting.

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  • Consumer Confidence Report – Electronic Delivery

    The City of Spokane Water Department announced the electronic delivery process and results for the 2012 Consumer Confidence Report (CCR) . Bill Rickard Water Quality Coordinator, reported a savings in CCR printing and mailing costs of over $12,000.  For full details see 2012 CCR City of Spokane.

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  • Watershed Integrated System Dynamics Modeling

    The WSU WISDM System Dynamics is an approach to studying and managing complex change over time for the SVRP Aquifer and Watersheds. It addresses internal feedback loops and time delays that affect the behavior of the entire system.

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  • 2012 SVRP Aquifer GSI Groundwater Flow Model

    The 2012 SVRP Aquifer ground-water update and expanded model was commissioned by the City of Spokane, SAJB and the WA Department of Health Drinking Water. Based on the 2007 USGS modelling, it uses Microfem technology and a resolution that supports wellhead protection planning. John Porcello, Senior Groundwater Hydrologist at GSI Water Solutions, presented the model…

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  • IWAC Meeting 7/9/2013

    Idaho Washington Aquifer Collaborative Meeting 7/9/13 Agenda, Minutes, Handouts and Presentations.

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  • IWAC Membership Invitation Letter

    IWAC officers invite all water districts and water reclamation facilities to become IWAC members and send representatives to participate actively in this important regional dialogue. An IWAC Membership Invitation Letter which briefly describes IWAC goals and membership fees is available here.

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  • Clean Drinking Water – Poster Contest Winners

    KSPS and SAJB sponsored a poster contest for National Clean Water Week featuring our Defender of the Aquifer, Aqua Duck. The winning posters were created by students grades 2-6 at the following schools: Assumption, Trinity and St. Mary’s Catholic Schools and SPS Dist. #81 Schools Grant and Logan Elementary. Congratulations to the winners.

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